SNMPpp  v0.0.3-20-7eeb228
Classes, methods, and functions to use net-snmp from C++
Trap.hpp File Reference

The only way to send traps to all configured trap sinks is to first initialize as a net-snmp agent. More...

#include <string>
#include <SNMPpp/OID.hpp>
#include <SNMPpp/PDU.hpp>
#include <SNMPpp/Varlist.hpp>
#include <SNMPpp/net-snmppp.hpp>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
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long SNMPpp::centisecondsNetSnmpUptime (void)
 Return the uptime in centiseconds. More...
long SNMPpp::centisecondsPidStarted (pid_t pid=0)
 Return the uptime in centiseconds. More...
long SNMPpp::centisecondsSince (const time_t t)
 Return the time since t. More...
long SNMPpp::centisecondsUptime (void)
 Return the number of centiseconds since the last reboot. More...
SNMPpp::Varlist SNMPpp::createV2TrapVarlist (const SNMPpp::OID &o, const long uptime=SNMPpp::centisecondsNetSnmpUptime())
 Initialize a varlist to be eventually used with one of the sendV2Trap() functions. More...
void SNMPpp::initializeNetSnmpAgent (const std::string &name="snmppp")
 Initialize net-snmp AgentX. More...
void SNMPpp::sendV2Trap (const SNMPpp::OID &o, const long uptime=SNMPpp::centisecondsNetSnmpUptime())
 Send a SNMPv2 trap to all configured trapsinks in net-snmp. More...
void SNMPpp::sendV2Trap (SNMPpp::Varlist &varlist)
 Send a SNMPv2 trap to alll configured trapsinks in net-snmp. More...
void SNMPpp::sendV2Trap (SNMPpp::PDU &pdu)
 Similar to SNMPpp::sendV2Trap( SNMPpp::Varlist &vl ). More...
void SNMPpp::shutdownNetSnmpAgent (const std::string &name="snmppp")
 De-initialize net-snmp AgentX. More...

Detailed Description

The only way to send traps to all configured trap sinks is to first initialize as a net-snmp agent.

If the process you are writing is already an net-snmp agent, then all is fine. But if the process is NOT already a SNMP agent, then you need to make the following call to initialize a connection to SNMPD prior to sending out a trap.

Calling SNMPpp::initializeNetSnmpAgent() will make your application a net-snmp agent by calling init_agent(), init_snmp(), and init_traps().

If your application is logging errors of this sort when trying to send a SNMP trap:

 Warning: Failed to connect to the agentx master agent ([NIL])

...then it means there are permission problems. You either need to run your application as "root", or you need to open up the permissions on AgentX in /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf. Search for "agentXPerms" for details.

If your application is logging errors of this sort when trying to send a SNMP trap:

 Cannot rename /var/lib/snmp/snmppp.conf to /var/lib/snmp/snmppp.0.conf
 Cannot unlink /var/lib/snmp/snmppp.conf
 read_config_store open failure on /var/lib/snmp/snmppp.conf

...then it means you either have to run as "root", or you need to ensure that /var/lib/snmp is writeable by the same user/group as your application.

If your application is logging errors of this sort when trying to send a SNMP trap:

 truncating integer value > 32 bits
 send_trap: no v2 trapOID varbind provided

...then it means net-snmp traps haven't been initialized. Are you certain you've called SNMPpp::initializeNetSnmpAgent()?