SNMPpp  v0.0.3-20-7eeb228
Classes, methods, and functions to use net-snmp from C++
Get.hpp File Reference

Several C++ helpers for some of the common net-snmp "GET" actions. More...

#include <SNMPpp/net-snmppp.hpp>
#include <SNMPpp/Session.hpp>
#include <SNMPpp/OID.hpp>
#include <SNMPpp/PDU.hpp>
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SNMPpp::PDU SNMPpp::get (SNMPpp::SessionHandle &session, SNMPpp::PDU &pdu)
 Alias to SNMPpp::sync() for convenience, and to be consistent with the various other SNMPpp::get...() calls. More...
SNMPpp::PDU SNMPpp::get (SNMPpp::SessionHandle &session, const SNMPpp::OID &o)
 Get a single OID. More...
SNMPpp::PDU SNMPpp::get (SNMPpp::SessionHandle &session, const SetOID &oids)
 Get several specific OIDs at once. More...
SNMPpp::PDU SNMPpp::getBulk (SNMPpp::SessionHandle &session, const SNMPpp::OID &o, const int maxRepetitions=50, const int nonRepeaters=0)
 Getbulk request, starting with the given OID. More...
SNMPpp::PDU SNMPpp::getBulk (SNMPpp::SessionHandle &session, SNMPpp::PDU &pdu, const int maxRepetitions=50, const int nonRepeaters=0)
 Getbulk request, possibly with multiple starting points. More...
SNMPpp::PDU SNMPpp::getNext (SNMPpp::SessionHandle &session, const SNMPpp::OID &o)
 Get the next OID. More...
SNMPpp::PDU SNMPpp::getNext (SNMPpp::SessionHandle &session, SNMPpp::PDU &request)
 Get the next OID. More...
SNMPpp::PDU SNMPpp::sync (SNMPpp::SessionHandle &session, SNMPpp::PDU &request)
 Send a PDU using the given SNMPpp::SessionHandle, and wait for a reply. More...

Detailed Description

Several C++ helpers for some of the common net-snmp "GET" actions.

Remember to free the response PDUs by calling SNMPpp::PDU::free() or netsnmp's snmp_pdu_free().